Never meet your heroes,
Never mention who influences your work, Never list them on your website or declare their books life-changing. Because one day, you'll learn about them. One day you'll hear that they're human. They make mistakes. Big ones. Ones that change your view on them, entirely. Then you'll have to edit your website. And your author page. And maybe you'll go so far as to delete a social media post or two. But it'll still be there: on the old copies of your books, in the 'about the author' page, you'll see his name, declaring itself like a stubborn memory of an ex. Sure, one day, you might forgive him. But the better option is to move on, have your work move beyond his influence. And have his name mean nothing more to you than pity.
AuthorSouth Jersey's most pretentious government contractor rambles about fiction, hobbies, and media. Archives |